

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today we had sign language with the other kindergarten class. We reviewed the family signs that were learned on Tuesday. I introduced several new signs by holding up a picture card, showing students the corresponding sign, and giving the card to a student. After everyone had a picture card, I signed a simple sentence about the picture, such as "I want a lamb." The person who was holding the lamb card had to put it back into the basket. Next, this student signed a sentence and the person who had that card had to return it, and so on. The students amaze me with how quickly they are able to learn the signs! Some of the signs they learned today are: lamb (2 signs:baby + sheep),crying baby, motorcycle, helicopter, duck, cow, donkey, beach, camera, fire truck, etc.

We reviewed the meanings of the words across, behind, over, beside, by playing a game of Mother May I? I gave them a command, such as "Go and stand beside the sink." Students had to ask, "Mother, may I?" before following the command or they had to sit down. They loved it!

We did a torn paper project. I gave everyone a large sheet of white construction paper. I did not tell them what they would be making -- I only said to tear the paper into 3 circles of different sizes. (They had a lot of trouble figuring out how to tear a rectangle-shaped paper into a circle.) To ease their pain, I showed them that they would be using the circles to make a snowman. They turned out really cute because they are all so different.

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