

Friday, January 8, 2010

I tried something new for counting practice today. I went to the online stopwatch web site at, used the projector to show it on the screen, and had the students count up to 30 and then count back down to zero. I had to ask them to stop at one point because they were saying the number that would come next -- saying 16 while 15 was still showing. I didn't want those who still don't recognize numbers to become confused or to "learn it wrong," so we talked about it and tried again. I think with a little work this will be a great tool for a quick, daily drill.

We watched a movie again for lunch recess. The students were much better about keeping their voices to a whisper if they absolutely had to say something during the movie. It was a Magic School Bus movie about bats. They referenced vampire bats at one point and some students began to worry that this would be a scary movie. Thankfully, by the end they learned that bats are gentle creatures that eat fruit and insects, not people.

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