

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Even though it was a short day, we accomplished a lot. We reviewed nouns today, and then I gave students magazines and asked them to cut out a person, place, or thing. We came back to the rug to tape the pictures under the appropriate heading on a chart. We ended up with lots of people, a few things, and no places, so we went through a magazine together until we found at least 2 places. One "place" picture that we found was a bathroom. Since the picture had people in it, we wanted to make sure we noticed the place, so we interactively wrote the word "bathroom" under the picture. We played one round of Ticket Tasket before Social Studies.

In Social Studies, students created pictures of their faces using paper plates and miscellaneous art materials (pasta, yarn, paper scraps, wiggly eyes). While we let the glue dry, I gave students white construction paper cut into the shape of a speech bubble and asked them to write what makes them smile. The most common response was, "My family" (spelled phonetically as "mi"). They are on display in the hall, so make sure you take a look when you come for your conference. They're really cute!

We went onto the ASLPro website today and learned some signs for zoo animals. First, you click on a picture, then a person demonstrates the sign. After learning all the animal signs, we clicked a button and the person did a sign and students had to point to which animal it was. Not everyone got a chance to come to the board today, so we'll learn some more signs in the same manner tomorrow.

Have a great evening. Early out (at noon) again tomorrow and Friday.

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