

Monday, August 29, 2011

This is Sennett's VIP week. He shared his poster with the class then he called on his classmates as they asked questions about the photos. His poster is on the VIP bulletin board for the rest of the week. He also had special visitors at the end of the day -- his grandma and grandpa who are celebrating their 47th anniversary today! Abbie was our star of the day. We learned that Abbie has 3 brothers and 1 sister (all older), and a dog. Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese and her favorite color is pink. Our letter of the day was E. Students had to look at their names and decide whether or not their name had an Ee in it. They also colored the E page in an alphabet book. We practiced what to do and where to go during a fire drill as we will have an actual fire drill later in the week. This week we are reading books by the author Mo Willems. Today's book was Knuffle Bunny Too. I sent home Scholastic book order forms and requests for permission to put your child's photo on this blog. Please return the forms ASAP. I am also missin some of the pink and green forms that were sent home last week. I will send you an additional form if you need me to.

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