

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today was fun, fun, fun! We learned the signs to this week's shared reading along with the other kindergarten class. It contains the words here and there, so we played a game to reinforce the difference in spelling and to emphasize the difference in meaning. For Text Talk, we learned the next 3 vocabulary words: steep, frigid, and thumped. We reviewed vocabulary words from past stories. I handed each student an index card with a word. They acted out the word and the rest of the class guessed it. They did such a great job! We made a life-sized clock in math. Twelve students held number cards and positioned themselves just like the numbers on an analog clock. Two others were the minute and hour hands. We briefly talked about how the minute hand counts by 5s and we started to learn time to the half hour. These are difficult concepts to teach and to grasp, but keep talking to your child about them and they will get it eventually. I showed them a digital clock and we learned that the two zeros after the : means "o'clock." There was a fire drill at 2pm, and everyone got out quickly and safely. Please check out the new vocabulary word list to the right and let me know when your child uses the new words.

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