

Friday, March 5, 2010

It was another great day in kindergarten! We started the day off with a leprechaun craft. Students read their mini-book We Can Give to 3 classmates and got their autographs. After lunch we went through the 3rd lesson in Second Step. It talked about how people can do the same thing and have a totally different reaction to it. One person might think snow is great, and another person might hate it. We read a book that reiterated the point. Students did their 1-minute speed reading and then they played with shaving cream. I asked them to use their finger to make different shapes in the shaving cream. It worked as an informal assessment because I was able to see who needs a mini-lesson on the 4 basic shapes. We worked on the concept of time and how long it takes to do certain things. I went to the online stopwatch web site and let students watch the time as we compared how long it took for the whole class to line up (7 seconds) to how long it took someone to wash their hands (28 seconds). Tables competed to see how quickly they could stack their chairs.

If you haven't already returned the green conference form (for requesting your conference time) please do so on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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