

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This morning in sign language, Mrs. Wheeler taught the students the signs for ocean animals and then students played an ocean animal Bingo game. We re-read our text talk book, A Little Bit of Winter, reviewed the first 3 words and learned the next 3 words. Mrs. Webber read Knuffle Bunny Too to students after lunch. At recess, the students included Mrs. Webber and me in a game of Freeze Tag. For math, students compared the weights of different objects using their hands and then a balance. We reviewed many mathematical concepts on the overhead and played musical chairs. One of the reading groups is working on a reader's theater play. Don't forget to practice sight words with your child nightly. They are listed to the right. Have a great evening! My daughter is playing in a band concert and will be leading the band tonight.

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