

Friday, January 15, 2010

We have new decorations in our classroom. In math, students worked in pairs to put together a paper chain with 20 links. We put chains together and draped them from the ceiling. The students think it looks like a party in there.

In reading, I divided the class into 3 groups of 5 students. I gave each group a stack of index cards, and challenged them to draw as many pictures of things that begin with the letter H as they could think of. When time was called, the groups made a trail of their index cards. The group with the most had 15 words/pictures in 5minutes!

As you can tell, your child is getting experience working in groups. For the paper chain project, I allowed students to choose their partner. In reading, I chose the students for each group randomly. Most of them adapt very well to working with different people and I hope that by the end of the year everyone will be comfortable doing so.

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