

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, Monday

We had a great day in kindergarten, despite starting off with a fire drill. Thankfully, Mrs. Bakken gave us advance notice, so I was able to take the class out for a practice drill first. The students did extremely well--no tears & no fears!!

We studied the letter Aa today. We started out by comparing the uppercase A to a triangle and the lowercase to the letter C with a line on the side. Students brainstormed words that begin with the /a/ sound. They said alligator, atmosphere (way to go Ian!), apple, and airplane. We made an alligator for our craft.

We played a different version of the name game today. It was called "name web." We passed a ball of yarn around as we said our names, but we each held onto the yarn, creating a giant web. It was very cool! We had great participation during all of the activities. The kids are really getting adjusted to the routines and expectations. I am sooooo proud of them!

Thanks to Mrs. Dwyer for handling all of the mail that went out today in your Monday envelope. Please return the envelope tomorrow morning. If you need to send me a note, the Monday envelope is a great way to do it. I hope that you will look through the book order flyers. If you have any questions about placing an order, please don't hesitate to call or email. See you tomorrow!

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