

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 2

Today we added another element that will become part of our regular routine--calendar and Pledge. We learned the days of the week and months of the year (with the macarena dance). I also introduced the sign language alphabet. I like to use a lot of sign language to reinforce concepts, such as over, under, and through and I am especially fond of fingerspelling, as it really helps students remember how to spell words.

The students had music today with Mrs. Summers. It sounded like they were having lots of fun. Mrs. Campbell, the Speech Therapist, pulled students out of the room, one at a time, to administer a brief speech screening. I will share the results with you as they become available.

Lunch went much more smoothly today. The students looked more confident about entering the lunch room and seemed to know where to go. They received a compliment from the lunch helpers for lining up so well.

We used mini whiteboards with dry erase markers to learn to form letters A-F and numbers 1-3. Students earned extra drawing time on the boards because they did so well. We're working really hard to learn the rules and to establish routines, and procedures. I want to try to start "letter a day" next week. I will go through the alphabet, in order, until we know all of the letters, then we will switch to "letter of the week."

I would appreciate it if you would send any notes back to school tucked inside the Monday envelope, or if it can't wait until then, please hand it to me when you drop your child off in the morning. I don't want to miss anything and it's awfully difficult to go through everyone's backpack every day. Thanks! See you in the morning.

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