

Thursday, January 26, 2012

We have been working on addition for a couple of weeks and today we started subtraction. Most of the students seem to understand the concept but I need to provide more hands-on activities to make it stick. I read a book called The ABCs of Jobs. It went along with our theme of community workers. For each letter of the alphabet, there was a job description and list of tools used on the job. Students learned about helicopter pilots, scuba divers and yoga instructions among others.

Thank you for helping your child remember to bring their 100 items today. I think they had a good time practicing counting with their big buddy. Students counted by 1s to fill up their 100s chart. Next, they put their items into piles of 5 and counted by 5s to 100. Finally, they counted by tens. The 4th/5th graders also randomly called out numbers and asked their kindergarten buddy to cover that number with one of their items. There was a whole lot of counting going on!

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