

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We learned the words and signs for the vowel song this morning. We also read 2 Corduroy books. Students made a text to text connection between one of the Corduroy books and Knuffle Bunny -- both were about a stuffed toy that got lost at the laundromat. Students worked at their tables during math, building teen numbers and identifying the matching numeral. We checked out the computer lab for the first time. Each student took a Mac laptop to their table, learned to turn it on, learned the terms "desktop," "icon," and "task bar" and learned how to properly shut down the computer. They opened a paint program and learned to draw and choose different colors. Thanks for Rex's auntie for helping us! Students did a great job and I look forward to doing a weekly computer lesson. Next week I want each student to create their own account in the Starfall program that we use in class so I can track their progress. They will get to create their own avatar and learn what "avatar" means. The vocabulary words learned today were: drowsy, insisted, and panic. Let me know if your child uses any of these words at home. If they do, I'll give them a small treat!

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