

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Someone tricked me and gave me a bunch of first graders! These kids are sooo good at recognizing numbers that they blew me away today. Our letter of the day was Aa. Each student brought their name tag to a bulletin board that asked if they had an A in their name and they put their tag under "yes" or "no." By the way, they really like to say "no" in sign language. Aleah's mom came in to help today and she read Superhero ABCs to the class. Our star of the day was Noah. We learned that Noah has 1 younger brother and a mom and dad. His dad makes wooden things for people and I truly apologize but I can't remember what he told us his mom does but I was very impressed that he went into such detail. Noah likes the colors red and white and his stuffed dog. Today was library and it was the students' first day to be able to check out a book. They can keep their book until next Wednesday but are welcome to return it any time between now and then, to the library basket in our classroom. There were several papers that had to go home today. I apologize because I try to only send papers home on Mondays. There is a dark pink form that the principal really needs back by tomorrow so I told the class that if all of them return those forms tomorrow, we can have extra recess. Tomorrow will be much cooler (thankfully!) so please remind your child to bring/wear a jacket.

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