

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today we learned the letter C and fed Sound Muncher things like caterpillars, candles, cards, and cake. In math, we compared groups of items to determine which had more/fewer. The other kindergarten class came in after recess to learn sign language with us. We learned the Pledge of Allegiance and signs for many foods including pizza, celery, bread, ketchup, pineapple, and meat just to name a few. Our Star of the Day was Sofia. Sofia has a brother and a sister, a wiener dog, rides a bike, likes to watch Dora and loves macaroni and cheese. For science, students shared the sound bags that they brought. Some of them were really tough to guess, so they had to show us what it was. Morgan's sound was candy, which she shared with the class afterward. Tomorrow we have art in the afternoon, so I will be taking down the self portraits that are in the hall and sending them home. I get to see my son and his fiancee tonight so I'm very excited! Have a great evening!

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