

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I felt like the class improved dramatically in their hall behavior today. Keeping the noise level to zero is very difficult, but they proved they are capable. The music box is also helping with the noise level in the classroom. Our letter of the day was A. There are lots of students with As in their names! Our math vocabulary words were top, bottom, and middle. We read the book Tops and Bottoms, about a rabbit that grows a vegetable garden and tricks a bear by always offering him the worst parts of the plants. Lauren was our Star of the Day. We learned that she has a dog, no brothers or sisters and likes chicken nuggets and French fries. We had a lesson on empathy and identifying people's feelings by their facial expressions and body language. I had a student request that I video tape the signs, in slow motion, to the Pledge of Allegiance so they can practice at home, so I will try to post that video soon.

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