

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today students learned the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language. I introduced the letter Ee. I called on a few students to write the letter on the board and some others pointed to E's on a chart. We learned a poem called "ME." We read the ABC phonics chart (see class web page for a link to it). We watched the movie Chrysanthemum and talked about the length of names. For math, students cut out the individual letters in their names, glued the letters to paper squares and put them onto a strip of paper that was inserted into a pocket chart so we could compare the lengths of our names. Mia and Joe tied for the shortest names and Salvador was the longest name. I read my favorite book to them after lunch, Bad Dog Marley. We learned some fun songs, too. The students had their first day of music with Mrs. Summers, which was interrupted by a fire drill. We had practiced earlier in the day and the comment I heard as we were coming back inside from the drill was, "That wasn't so bad." :)

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