

Monday, April 26, 2010

We had a surprise visit from Mrs. Swan today. After doing her Junior Field experience in our room, Mrs. Swan student taught in a first grade classroom at Newman Elementary. She is almost finished and ready to graduate. Congratulations!! Students were each given a picture this morning and had to find a partner with a matching picture of a home and something that might live in that home. For example, one student had a picture of a foot and one had a picture of a shoe. At journal time, both partners wrote a sentence about their matched pair. Ex: "A shoe is a house for a foot."

By the end of the day, I had almost completely lost my voice. I have a headache from straining so hard to get any sound out, so just in case I'm not better by tomorrow, I left notes for a substitute. If your child is in sign club, it will still take place in my room, business as usual.

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