

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We got a new student today!! Her name is Kadence and she fits in very well. Welcome, Kadence! We had sign language with Mrs. Hanson's class, in which students unscrambled sentences and then signed the sentences when we figured them out. We re-read A Little Bit of Winter, found problems within the story and named the solution that the character used in order to solve the problem. We re-read all the Mo Willems stories we heard earlier in the week. Students who didn't get to share their writing from yesterday had the opportunity to share today. Mrs. Webber taught the math lesson on temperature. She showed the students the level of the mercury when the temperature is hot (it goes up) and what happens when it's cold (it goes down). In their math journals, students drew 2 pictures of themselves: one in which they are playing outdoors on a hot day and one playing outdoors on a cold day.

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