

Monday, February 1, 2010

I made a cartoon on about some characters who weren't getting along and used it as a launching point to talk about social skills today. The students liked the cartoon and could relate to the message. I will put a link to the site so your family can make a cartoon if you want to. It's fun, free, and easy.

Tomorrow is the 100th day of school. If your child has not brought their 100 items to school yet, please send them tomorrow. Some examples of things that others have brought are: mini marshmallows, paperclips, rubber bands, pennies, and Hershey's kisses. Reading minutes are due tomorrow. I will be sending home a Pizza Hut certificate with the students who have turned in proof that they've read for 300 minutes during the month of January.

Mrs. Hoy read a fun story with the class, Edwin, the Emu. All week, she and the students will be delving deeper into the story and examining some vocabulary words. In math, we used a ruler to measure some flat items, and then brainstormed ways to measure the distance around a ball. They knew we'd have to find something bendable to do it, so we taped sheets of paper together. It turned out that the paper works the same way a measuring tape does. I asked the students to look for measuring tools at home. (They don't need to bring them, but just be ready to discuss what they found.) We talked about rulers, scales, and measuring cups. See what else you notice at home, on television, or on the internet. Have a great evening!

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