

Monday, February 8, 2010

The class made their Valentine card holders and they are now hanging in the hall, waiting to be filled. Please don't send cards until Friday, though--I'm worried about cards with candy attached disappearing before Friday. We read the book Flower Garden by Eve Bunting, about a girl buying flowers and making a planter box for her mom's birthday. We talked about flowers making people smile and reasoned that that's why people give flowers for Valentine's Day.

Our Text Talk book of the week is Gregory, the Terrible Eater. It's about a goat who refuses to eat garbage, like an average goat. Instead, Gregory craves nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, juice and eggs. His parents take him to a doctor who tells them to try introducing garbage gradually, which ends up working. It's a funny story with some fun vocabulary words.

Students estimated how many Hot Tamale candies were in a container. I told them that each day I will give them more information that will help them revise their estimates. I had planned on using Red Hots, but they were too expensive!!

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