

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wow! What a cold day! Needless to say, we stayed inside for recess today. Students had free-choice centers and at lunch recess, our class joined Mrs. Hanson's class to watch a Magic School Bus video. The kids were so quiet during morning recess that they earned a popcorn point!

We read the book Time to Sleep and learned about hibernation and how the heart rate of the hibernating animal slows to 4 beats per minute. We counted our own and found that our hearts beat much faster.

We practiced counting to 30 by tens and learned that it would take 3 people in order to hold up 30 fingers. We reviewed teen numbers and noticed that they all have a one in front of them.

We played a listening game in which the first student said a word or phrase, the second person repeated what the first person said and then added their own word or phrase, etc. The last person had a lot of information to remember, so I divided the class into two groups for this activity.

Tomorrow I'll be gone. I have a dentist appointment. Mr. Wheeler will be their guest teacher. I left the package of fabric on my desk if anyone wants to take some home to cut into strips and send back on Wednesday for our wreath craft. See you on Wednesday!

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