

Friday, December 18, 2009

I know how important it is to be consistent and to keep a regular schedule. I'm not sure who gets most upset when things change--the students or me! I think the students did a good job of adjusting to a lot of changes to their schedule this week. We have 2 more fairly chaotic days coming up, then things get back to normal in January.

Thanks to all of you terrific parents who are so willing to help out! Those of you who come in during center time may not feel like you are doing much, but you cannot imagine how much your presence frees me to meet with small groups. Without you, minor interruptions by students can take up 75% of my time, making reading and math groups nearly impossible. If anyone is willing to come in from 10-10:30 Monday or Tuesday, we have a lot of fabric wreaths that need to be completed. (They got sick of tying very quickly.) Because of performances, we will not have afternoon centers next week. Speaking of performances, is anyone willing to bake a batch of cookies to bring to our kindergarten performance on Tuesday at 1:45? I will bring a punch bowl and ingredients for punch if I can get some help with cookies.

Next week is Ian's VIP week. Have a great weekend!

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