

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We read the book Ten Black Dots to reinforce our letter of the week and the counting practice we've been doing. In this counting book, we are given examples of how black dots can be used. One black dot can be the moon, two black dots can be the eyes of a fox, three can be the face of a snowman, etc. I gave each student 10 black dots to turn into something.

I am teaching my class the same songs we're working on in sign language club. They are having fun learning the signs for Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We will have a program just for our families right before the Christmas break so you can see how adorable they are as they sign in unison.

The light rain/snow inspired students to stay inside during afternoon recess to work on a group art project. I put a huge (6 ft x 2 ft) sheet of paper on the floor and told them they would have to work together to determine who would color the sky and who would color the ground, houses, etc. They did a pretty good job of getting along and sharing the space around the paper.

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