

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Friday! Mrs. Swan was here this morning and she read My Amazing Body to the students. We learned how our bodies are amazing machines and that all the different parts work together. We learned the characteristics of non-fiction books (has an index, can read it in any order, is about real things) and we remember that term by calling it "not fake."

Check your child's backpack for an amazing writing project they did today. They copied the sentence starter "I scared away the" off the board, then had to sound out the last word. They imagined that they were scarecrows and that they scared away one thing that they previously feared. For example, one student wrote, "I scared away the monster." Keep in mind that spelling isn't the main goal--listening for letter sounds is much more important at this point. I gushed about how smart they are and what wonderful writers they are.

In math, we reviewed repeating patterns and made AB pattern necklaces (or bracelets). I thought they were very patient about stringing their beads and dealt well with the frustration of the yarn coming apart.

Monday is gym day so don't forget to send your child to school in sneakers. Have a great weekend!

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