

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, Sept. 2

This morning, I handed each student a letter of the alphabet. Once everyone had one, students arranged themselves in alphabetical order. They were able to do this very quickly--I was impressed! Next, we had Social Studies. I chose to read some books by Kevin Henkes because he has some good ones that deal with feelings. We read Wemberly Worried, about a mouse who worried about everything, especially starting school. We also read Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, about a mouse who has her treasured toys taken away from her by her teacher for playing with them at an inappropriate time. If you want to learn more about Kevin Henkes's books, his website is

We learned the letter C today. Students practiced writing it with "rainbow writing" (tracing over it several times in different colors). We read another Kevin Henkes book, Chrysanthemum, about a mouse with an unusual and very long name. Yesterday, we graphed the number of letters in our names, so we had a frame of reference and some background knowledge. We also fed the sound muncher some interesting things: a computer, a carrot, a cake, and a car!!

Thanks to Kelly Hogan for helping out during afternoon centers! Tomorrow is music--fun, fun, fun!

Tomorrow we have music class

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